Voluntary Associations or Voluntary Organizations - Sociology B Sc Nursing

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Meaning of Voluntary Organizations(VOs)

In voluntary organizations, people voluntarily agree and work professionally. It is a group of people who come together for social purposes. Voluntary organizations are non-profit organizations. Voluntary organizations have limited resources thus it is very important for these organizations to utilize their full potential. Individuals who work in these organizations will be paid only what is necessary for living, travel, and other expenditures. Voluntary organizations are Autonomous hence, they are free from government and market.

2 major examples of Voluntary Organizations

There are two major examples of voluntary organizations:

  1. Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)
  2. Women's Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS)

Definitions of Voluntary Organization

  1. According to David L Sills, "Voluntary organization is a group of persons organized based on voluntary membership without state control for the furtherance of some common interests of its members".
  2. According to Michal Benton, "Voluntary association is a group organized for pursuit of one interest in common".

Characteristics of Voluntary Organizations (VOs)

Some basic and major characteristics of voluntary organizations are as follows:

  1. Organized: Every organization is structured in some way. The rules for this structure are usually contained in a document which is called a governing document. An organization can also exist without a governing document if it has a committee and members.
  2. Purpose: The basic purpose of voluntary organizations is to make a profit for the community. Every Voluntary organization has defined aims and programs.
  3. Not-for-Profit: Voluntary organizations earn profit but the profit which they earn is invested back into the work. The profit is not given to the director, employee, or any other member of the organization.
  4. Voluntary: It is a voluntary form of organization where people come together based on their own will without any kind of pressure. People who work for this organization can be considered as a volunteer.
  5. Pvt and self-governing: Voluntary organizations are independent of any other organization with its internal proceedings. These organizations are governed by their members on demographic principles, with no external control.

Types of Voluntary Organizations

The following are the basic types of voluntary organizations:

  1. Charitable Voluntary Organizations: Charitable organizations are those organizations whose primary purpose is social well-being. A charitable organization can not use its funds for individual benefit. These organizations are not involved in political activities. These organizations depend on donations from businesses. Public schools are examples of charitable organizations whereas, the Child Poverty Action Group is not a charitable organization because it only convinces the public and politicians to tackle poverty.
  2. Non-Charitable Voluntary Organizations:

    Noncharitable voluntary organizations include:

    1. Self-Help and Mutual Aid Groups: Self-help and mutual aid groups are self-organizing groups. When a small group of people come together to address health or social issues then it is referred to as self-help groups. This type of group benefits the wider community.
    2. 'Residents and Tenants' Associations: A group of people large or small, who come together to address common interest which affects their community and environment is referred to as residents and tenants association.
    3. Credit Unions: Credit unions are the non-profit financial institutions. These unions are owned by the people, who use their financial products or deposit money into them.
    4. Community Businesses, Community Enterprises, and Community Co-Operatives: Community businesses are the businesses that are set up by the communities to address the challenges they face. Farms, Shops, Call Centers pubs etc.; are the example of community businesses.

Role of Voluntary Organizations (VOs)

Some important roles of voluntary organizations are given below:

  1. It helps individuals or groups with a wide variety of political and other interests. It strengthens a sense of national solidarity.
  2. Voluntary organizations educate the members and public about the policies of the government for their welfare and they also give information about the wrong policies and activities of the governors.
  3. These organizations meet the requirements of special groups such as children women aged handicapped etc for example Help Age India is a voluntary organization that is engaged in the welfare of senior citizens.
  4. Voluntary Organizations act as a driving force in utilizing rural talent and skills. Moreover, it inculcates a sense of self-reliance among the villagers.

Social System

Kuldeep S

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